WealthTrace Financial Planning & Retirement Planning Blog
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Doug Carey, CFA
For those in retirement or very close to it, a 15% decline in the stock market over just a few short months can be gut-wrenching. This is of course why so many of us in the personal finance industry beat the drum of diversification so often. But what about people who have 20 to 30 years until they will need the funds from their retirement accounts? Should they really worry too much about month to month and even year to year gyrations in the stock market?
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Doug Carey, CFA
This is a family of five in North Carolina. The couple are in their late thirties and have effectively stopped working full time--and plan to keep it that way. They earn income from their web site and a few other sources, but it’s nothing like the 9-to-5 office-job money they used to make. In typical FIRE fashion, they worked hard at high-paying jobs for a short period of time (about 10 years), saving a huge portion of their income, and then . . . stopped. And started blogging about it and attracting media attention.
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Doug Carey, CFA
The concept of choosing where to put your money is not new. But with today’s do-it-yourself technology tools, it has become easier to calculate just how much you can save by implementing a better asset location strategy.
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Doug Carey, CFA
We're conflicted about FIRE. On the one hand, frugality is an underappreciated and powerful thing. A movement that inspires people to save money, consume less, and lead a more conscious life--what could be bad about that? Getting off the hamster wheel and spending more time living? That sounds pretty good.
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Doug Carey, CFA
Adjusted for inflation, the cost of going to college went up by about 350% from 1985 through 2010. The constant increasing costs of going to college became a major burden for both students and their parents. Many parents sacrificed an early retirement to help put their children through school and many students left college saddled with thousands of dollars in student loan debt.
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