WealthTrace Financial Planning & Retirement Planning Blog
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Doug Carey
Today's technology is reshaping industries, and the financial advisor industry is no different. The old model where advisors charge hefty fees is starting to erode. Financial planners charge an average of $2,000 per plan and they usually leave you with a 100 page report and you never hear from them again. This model is ripe for destruction.
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The free asset allocation calculator below can help you build a diversified and balance mix of investments. The calculator takes into account several variables such as risk tolerance, age, your savings, and your tax rate.
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If you are having a difficult time deciding whether or not it makes sense to have a survivor's pension (widow's pension) for your spouse, you can use our free calculator below to help you choose.
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Doug Carey
It used to be that you could sort of tell when it was time to get professional help in managing your investments. You knew, for example, that in your 30s and making a decent salary and socking away a fair amount of money, you probably did not have enough in assets for it to make sense to have professional help--the costs would just be too high. But at some point, with a mortgage and a kid and maybe another one on the way, you might start paying closer attention to those financial planner advertisements on TV or in the local paper, and even give one a call.
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Do you really want to ask "Will I outlive my money in retirement or not?" You can ask that, but what you also need to be asking is "What is the probability that I do not outlive my money in retirement?" For this you need an accurate Monte Carlo Retirement Calculator.
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